Places I Will See Sooner Rather Than Later
I refuse to end my story here. I know it will take a lot of saving and preplanning for anything to come to fruition. So here is my short list (I hope to grow this list) of places I’ve always wanted to visit.
Japan- Super Nintendo Land & Tokyo
This is definitely a trip I’m saving up for. It’s not cheap, but I know I will get my money's worth ten fold. When I heard that Nintendo Land actually opened I nearly imploded. To think there is a Mario Kart ride I could experience in real life, makes me wanna cry right now on my keyboard. Could you imagine all the cool Nintendo-themed food/snacks they might have?! Besides Nintendo Land, I have to check out the micro pig cafe, vintage shops in Harajuku and those dope convenience stores everyone talks about.
New Zealand-The Nevis Swing
If I’m not able to muster up the courage to skydive in this lifetime, I hope I can at least swing across the vast mountains of Queenstown. Considering I’m actually afraid of hopping on ladders, I’m surprised I can get excited about hurtling 134 meters above ground. If swinging isn’t so hardcore for you, they have the high wire bungee jump and the human catapult that launches you like a slingshot with up to 3Gs of force!
Florida-Disney World/Hollywood Studios
Disney World is really nostalgic to my family. In fact, all our family vacation trips were to Disney World and nothing else. Weird but true. Since my mother’s divorce back in 2003, she always talked about going back to Disney. I guess to make new memories with just us kids. Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge and Toy Story Land are a must when we do get the chance to go. The Tower of Terror was always my go to ride when I was young. Ah..memories. Out of all the destinatons,this is by far the most important one I need to make. I just want my mother to have the closure she deserves.
Japan doesn't allow any tourism at the moment. Anyone visiting New Zealand must quarantine for 14 days in isolation. Although, there's no travel restrictions to Florida and we can actually go to Disney World, I think I'll pass for now. I can only look forward to the day(and it will come!) where it's safer to travel and enjoy a worry free vacation.